Infantry Assault Badge In Silver

Infantry Assault Badge In Silver


1 in stock

Nice mid war Infantry Assault badge in silver / Infanteriesturmabzeichen in silber. The pin and catch work well and the badge has most of its original silver finish.

The Infantry Assault Badge was a German war badge awarded to Waffen SS and Wehrmacht Heer soldiers during World War II. This decoration was instituted on December 20, 1939 by the Oberstbefehlshaber des Heeres, Generalfeldmarschall von Brauchitsch.

It could be awarded to members of non-motorized Infantry units and units of the Gebirgsjäger that had participated in Infantry assaults, with light Infantry weapons, on at least three days of battle in the front line as from January 1, 1940.

When a counter offensive led to fighting at short distance, it could also apply. Award of the Infanterie Sturmabzeichen was authorized at regimental command level or above. The first two awards were given to an officer and an enlisted soldier on a special occasion on May 28, 1940, by von Brauchitsch himself.